I love the growing vocab of a young child. I'll add more when I can think of them. When I feel sad or mad--saying these outloud always makes me laugh. What do your kids say in their own way?
FLUM = Thumb
SHLOCLATE = chocolate
MARSH-E-LOWS= marshmallows
ImPOSTable = immpossible
SHOUP = soup
5 years ago
I just ate some shloclate that was impostable to not enjoy. 2 flums up!!!
Avery says:
hoss-eh-pull = hospital
comf-ah-moose = comfortable
some-pit = something
She knows how to say them correctly now, AND knows how much I love the baby way. So now she likes to tease me!
squishy and bewishus= roasted marsh-e-low
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