Thursday, February 19, 2009


We took the girls sledding. The hills we went to are pretty big. Mckenna said she prefers to go alone on the sled because she can go faster. She was flying and spinning down the hill. We had a lot of fun, especially when Kayla finally decided she wanted to do it. I guess this is one thing we couldn't do in AZ.


Ashley said...

So fun! We took Mason this winter and he loved it!

Lindsay said...

wish we could be there. Looks like they loved it! How fun. Yeah, one thing that sucks about living in Virginia is that it is butt cold (not as cold as Miane) but no snow. If it does snow(maybe 1/2 inch), they freak out and close school. You would think it is silly.

Kay said...

That is some serious snow!! Wish we were there, sledding is a blast!