Monday, August 18, 2008

There's nothing as nice
as a new teddy bear
To tickle and cuddle
and take everywhere
to share all your secrets
your laughter and tears
to keep by your side
through seasons and years.
There's nothing as nice
as a new teddy bear,
except for an old one
with memories to share


Rowley's said...

Tell McKenna, I totally get her, I still have my precious Teddy too! And yes, I am 25!

Amanda Robbins said...

Your girls are so cute! I found your blog through Lanaes. And I totally get the teddy bear thing to, Broc takes his bear everywhere. The fun with my kids Teddy Bears is they've had them since birth and I took picture everymonth the first year with their bears and then every year after that. I love it, it really shows how they grow. Feel free to check out my blog if you want. It's so good to see you somewhat.
Amanda (Menlove) Robbins

Amy said...

Hey Celeste, What a cute blog and cute family! I had fun looking!